Thursday, March 3, 2011

Some helpful statistical information

Frequencies of the letters in the English language           
E      12.51%  
T  9.25  
A  8.04  
O  7.60  
I  7.26  
N  7.09  
S  6.54  
R  6.12  
H  5.49  
L  4.14  
D  3.99  
C  3.06  
U  2.71  
M  2.53  
F  2.30  
P  2.00  
G  1.96  
W  1.92  
Y  1.73  
B  1.54  
V  0.99  
K  0.67  
X  0.19  
J  0.16  
Q  0.11   
Z  0.09

The most common first letter in a word in order of frequency
T, O, A, W, B, C, D, S, F, M, R, H, I, Y, E, G, L, N, O, U, J, K  

The most common second letter in a word in order of frequency
H, O, E, I, A, U, N, R, T  

The most common third letter in a word in order of frequency
E, S, A, R, N, I  

The most common last letter in a word in order of frequency
E, S, T, D, N, R, Y, F, L, O, G, H, A, K, M, P, U, W  

More than half of all words end with
E ,T, D, S  

Letters most likely to follow E in order of frequency

The most common digraphs on order of frequency
 TH, HE, AN, IN, ER, ON, RE, ED, ND, HA, AT, EN, ES, OF, NT, EA, TI, TO, IO, LE, IS, OU, AR, AS, DE, RT, VE  

The most common trigraphs in order of frequency

The most common double letters in order of frequency
           SS, EE, TT, FF, LL, MM, OO  

The most common two-letter words in order of frequency
 of, to, in, it, is, be, as, at, so, we, he, by, or, on, do, if, me, my, up, an, go, no, us, am  

The most common three-letter words in order of frequency
the, and, for, are, but, not, you, all, any, can, had, her, was, one, our, out, day, get, has, him, his, how, man, new, now, old, see, two, way, who, boy, did, its, let, put, say, she, too, use  

The most common four-letter words in order of frequency
That, with, have, this, will, your, from, they, know, want, been, good, much, some, time, very, when, come, here, just, like, long, make, many, more, only, over, such, take, than, them, well, were  

The most commonly used words in the English language in order of frequency
The, of, and, to, in, a, is, that, be, it, by, are, for, was, as, he, with, on, his, at, which, but, from, has, this, will, one, have, not, were, or, all, their, an, I, there, been, many, more, so, when, had, may, today, who, would, time, we, about, after, dollars, if, my, other, some, them, being, its, no, only, over, very, you, into, most, than, they, day, even, made, out, first, great, must, these, can, days, every, found, general, her, here, last, new, now, people, public, said, since, still, such, through, under, up, war, well, where, while, years, before, between, country, debts, good, him, interest, large, like, make, our, take, upon, what


Really fantastic

Was n't it...!!??